Magnus Woodsmith is a lot of fun, and a real business, but I also have been using it to do some good.

My middle school, St. Johns Prep, and high school, Phillips Academy Andover, both have the moto “non sibi” which means “not for self.”  I’ve taken that to heart and I am donating 15% of my gross sales across all of my sales channels, except for sales tax and shipping, to various cancer charities that are doing research for prevention, treatment and cures for different forms of cancer as well as providing support for both the patient and their family .

Thanks to your support I have been able to donate more than three thousand dollars from the sales from my website and craft fairs to charities in honor of my mom.  My family tripled the value of these donations. These are the organizations I donated to:


I’ve also donated products to St. John’s Preparatory School fund raisers, including the 2021 Annual Online Auction.   Bid on what I’ve donated – just click!


I’ve also donated cutting boards to a local fundraiser forThe Children’s Heart Foundation.